Designerteppich in geräumigem hellen Wohnzimmer

At a time when we are becoming in­creas­ing­ly aware of the im­pact of our en­viron­ment on our health, the con­cept of healthy living is of crucial im­por­tance. In this maga­zine article, we there­fore want to ex­plain the con­cept of healthy liv­ing and look at the impact that the mate­ri­als used in new fur­nish­ings can have on our well-being and health.


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Katze auf einem Sofa

Healthy living refers to the quality of indoor air as well as the materials and products used in our homes. A healthy home promotes well-being and minimizes the risk of harmful substances that could affect our health.

  • Air quality: Use of materials that do not give off harmful emissions and regular ventilation for good air circulation. 
  • Avoidance of allergens: Selection of hypoallergenic materials to minimize allergic reactions. 
  • Pollutant reduction: Use of natural, low-pollutant materials to reduce exposure to chemicals. 
  • Humidity control: Controlling humidity to prevent mold growth and ensure a healthy indoor environment.  
  • Noise reduction: Use of sound-absorbing materials to create a quiet and relaxed living atmosphere.

Großer Teppich mit runden Mustern auf der eine Person liegt



When selecting materials, KOSHKA BERLIN therefore focuses on regional production with fair working conditions and reliable quality management right from the start. When it comes to choosing the right rug for your home, wool rugs offer a variety of positive properties that can improve your indoor climate.

When selecting materials, KOSHKA BERLIN therefore focuses on regional production with fair working conditions and reliable quality management right from the start. When it comes to choosing the right rug for your home, wool rugs offer a variety of positive properties that can improve your indoor climate.


  • Natural material: The pile material of our rugs is made from 100% mulesing-free virgin wool from New Zealand cross-bred sheep. Wool is a sustainable and natural material that promotes a healthy living environment. We also attach great importance to spinning and dyeing the high-quality raw wool in Germany in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way. For example, we are delighted that the dye works that supplies us is a member of the Hessian Environmental Alliance. 
  • Pollutant-free: The dispersion acrylic binder we use is water-based, without plasticizers, odourless and very low-emission (tested according to ISO, DIN and RAL specifications). We also deliberately do not use chemical mothproofing in our yarn. This is not only good for the environment, but also protects the sensitive health of babies who may play on the rugs. Domestic cats should also not be exposed to chemical moth repellents, as they lack the enzyme required to break down the active ingredient, which in turn can lead to serious damage to their health. 
  • Hypoallergenic: Wool is hypoallergenic and is therefore particularly suitable for allergy sufferers. Especially in the form of dense cut pile rugs, it binds house dust from the air very well between the fine wool fibers and thus contributes to good indoor air quality. In this case, the dust should simply be removed by regular vacuuming, which always gives the rug a fresh appearance as a nice side effect. 
  • Comfort: The dense pile of a cut pile wool rug not only provides a pleasant and soft surface, but also additional thermal insulation that contributes to a comfortable and energy-efficient home. 
  • Noise reduction: Virgin wool rugs are sound-absorbing and contribute to a quiet and relaxed living atmosphere. 
  • Moisture-regulating: Wool can absorb moisture from the air and release it again, which helps to maintain a balanced indoor climate and prevent the formation of mold.

Hochwertiger Designer Teppich Modell Katua Ecke mit Unterseite

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