Maschinelle Herstellung eines Designerteppichs

For the production of our modern designer rugs in Germany, we only use care­fully selec­ted, high-quality ma­teri­als with a focus on sus­tain­abili­ty and en­viron­men­tal friend­li­ness. In the pro­duc­tion of our debut collec­tion, we rely on the inno­va­tive Robot Tuft­ing pro­cess, which re­de­fines the inter­face be­tween pro­duc­tion, tech­no­lo­gy and crafts­man­ship and opens up a wealth of poten­tial.

Innovative production process: The robot tufting we use makes a unique graphic design language possible ...  


We only use carefully selected, high-quality materials from fair working conditions to manufacture our modern designer rugs in Germany, as the central focus of our products is on sustainability and environmental friendliness. We use the innovative robot tufting process in production, which is particularly resource-efficient and ideal for on-demand production. The high-quality virgin wool yarn, which is spun and dyed in Germany in accordance with the Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 and our specific requirements, is mechanically stitched into a stretched backing cloth and then permanently fixed with acrylic binder. A visually appealing process that we are happy to share on our Instagram account.  To ensure a long service life and the best product quality, the fixation is then double-sealed with a second coating, into which a cotton fabric is incorporated for reinforcement. After this process, the rug is carefully sheared to create an even surface. Finally, the edges of the backing cloth are folded over by hand and finished with a robust cotton textile band.
Teppich in der maschinellen Produktion
Teppich Produktion mit nachhaltiger Schurwolle

A key aspect of Robot Tufting is its positive impact on the sustainability of rug production. Compared to conventional processes, the Robot Tufting process reduces the use of materials and also minimizes waste thanks to precise control.

In addition to the optimized use of resources, the Robot Tufting process also enables on-demand production, which allows rugs to be produced exactly as required. This leads to a reduction in overproduction and stock levels, which further reduces the environmental impact. This sustainable approach makes the Robot Tufting process an environmentally friendly alternative in carpet production.

Teppich Produktion mit nachhaltiger Schurwolle

A key aspect of Robot Tufting is its positive impact on the sustainability of rug production. Compared to conventional processes, the Robot Tufting process reduces the use of materials and also minimizes waste thanks to precise control.

In addition to the optimized use of resources, the Robot Tufting process also enables on-demand production, which allows rugs to be produced exactly as required. This leads to a reduction in overproduction and stock levels, which further reduces the environmental impact. This sustainable approach makes the Robot Tufting process an environmentally friendly alternative in carpet production.


Our debut collection »Tigres de Sol«, presented in fall 2022, has been consistently developed with a focus on one of the most important potentials of the Robot Tufting process: The precise translation of graphic designs into a carpet product. This innovative method, with its ability to combine high quality, sophisticated aesthetics and environmental compatibility, provides the right conditions for the realization of our first collection.

The high-quality virgin wool yarn, which is spun and dyed in Germany in accordance with the Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 and our specific requirements, is mechanically stitched into a stretched backing cloth and then permanently fixed with acrylic binder. A visually appealing process that we like to share on our Instagram account.

To ensure a long service life and the best product quality, the fixation is then double-sealed with a second coating, into which a cotton fabric is incorporated for reinforcement. After this process, the rug is carefully sheared to create an even surface. Finally, the edges of the backing cloth are folded over by hand and finished with a robust cotton textile band.

Teppich in der maschinellen Produktion

Our debut collection »Tigres de Sol«, presented in fall 2022, has been consistently developed with a focus on one of the most important potentials of the Robot Tufting process: The precise translation of graphic designs into a carpet product. This innovative method, with its ability to combine high quality, sophisticated aesthetics and environmental compatibility, provides the right conditions for the realization of our first collection.

The high-quality virgin wool yarn, which is spun and dyed in Germany in accordance with the Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 and our specific requirements, is mechanically stitched into a stretched backing cloth and then permanently fixed with acrylic binder. A visually appealing process that we like to share on our Instagram account.

To ensure a long service life and the best product quality, the fixation is then double-sealed with a second coating, into which a cotton fabric is incorporated for reinforcement. After this process, the rug is carefully sheared to create an even surface. Finally, the edges of the backing cloth are folded over by hand and finished with a robust cotton textile band.

... and offers unsur­passed pre­cision in the trans­lation of geo­metric gra­phics into a rug product. In addition, the process ensures a con­sis­tently high pile density of the high-quality virgin wool yarn.
Herstellungsprozess nachhaltiger Teppiche
Teppich in der maschinellen Herstellung
Herstellungsprozess nachhaltiger Teppiche
Teppich in der maschinellen Herstellung
Nahaufnahme Fasern und Material in der Teppich Produktion
Nahaufnahme Teppich Material in der Prouktion
Teppich in der maschinellen Produktion
Herstellungsprozess nachhaltiger Teppiche
Nahaufnahme Fasern und Material in der Teppich Produktion
Herstellungsprozess nachhaltiger Teppiche
Teppich in der maschinellen Herstellung
Nahaufnahme Fasern und Material in der Teppich Produktion
Nahaufnahme Teppich Material in der Prouktion
Nahaufnahme Fasern und Material in der Teppich Produktion
Nahaufnahme Teppich Material in der Prouktion


Nahaufnahme der Teppichfasern die in Handarbeit aufbereitet werden

Although the Robot Tufting process is a highly technical method, craftsmanship remains an essential part of rug production. The innovative, digital and automated process of Robot Tufting is complemented by the loving handiwork of skilled carpet experts. Our production partner, a small, family-run company in a traditional textile industry hotspot in western Germany, oversees the manufacturing process and ensures the quality of the rugs. This combination of technology and human expertise results in products of the highest quality and aesthetics.

Nahaufnahme der Teppichfasern die in Handarbeit aufbereitet werden

Obwohl das Robot-Tufting eine hochtechnisierte Herstellungsmethode ist, bleibt auch hier das handwerkliche Geschick ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Teppichherstellung. Das innovative, digitale und auto­mati­sierte Verfahren wird ergänzt durch die liebevolle Handarbeit fach­kundiger Teppich­experten. Die Mitarbeiter bei unserem Produktionspartner, einem kleinen, familien­geführten Unter­nehmen in West­deutschland, überwachen permanent den Herstellungsprozess und gewährleisten somit die hohe Qualität der Teppiche. Diese Kombination aus Technologie und menschlicher Expertise führt zu Produkten von höchster Güte und Ästhetik. 

Teppiche aus Wolle in der Produktion
After watchful eyes and sensitive hands have accompanied production on the tufting plant, our rugs are finished by hand to the highest quality standards.
Teppiche aus Wolle in der Produktion
Herstellung Koshka Berlin Designer Teppiche aus Schurwolle

KOSHKA BERLIN stands for sustainable elegance and innovative rug production that harmoniously combines tradition and modernity. Discover our wide range of products and experience the perfect symbiosis of design, quality and sustainability.

Teppiche aus Wolle in der Produktion
Herstellung Koshka Berlin Designer Teppiche aus Schurwolle

KOSHKA BERLIN steht für nachhaltige Eleganz und inno­vative Teppich­her­stell­ung, die Tradi­tion und Moderne har­mo­nisch mit­ein­ander ver­bindet. Ent­decken Sie unsere Produktvielfalt und erleben Sie die perfekte Symbiose aus Design, Qualität und Nach­haltig­keit.

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