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On this page we publish articles about rugs and carpets, provide information about news and give further insights into our work and products.

Teppich Wolle in verschiedenen Farben

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Designerteppiche Modelle von KOSHKA BERLIN

Modern designer rugs from KOSHKA BERLIN

Our modern designer rugs create a harmon­ious inter­play of con­temporary style and sus­tain­able ele­gance. Care­fully con­ceived, our designs meet the highest aesthetic stand­ards in inter­ior design. KOSHKA BERLIN is an up-and-coming company from the German capital that focuses on sus­tain­able pro­duction, which mani­fests itself in stylish and environ­mentally friendly rugs.

Designerteppich in geräumigem hellen Wohnzimmer

Why healthy living should be a decisive factor when buying interior objects

At a time when we are becoming increasingly aware of the impact of our environment on our health, the concept of healthy living is of crucial importance. In this magazine article, we therefore want to explain the concept of healthy living and look at the impact that the materials used in new furnishings can have on our well-being and health.

Maschinelle Herstellung eines Designerteppichs

Sustainable elegance: The production of designer rugs at KOSHKA BERLIN

For the production of our modern designer rugs in Germany, we only use carefully selected, high-quality materials with a focus on sustainability and environmental friendliness. In the production of our debut collection, we rely on the innovative Robot Tufting process, which redefines the interface between production, technology and craftsmanship and opens up a wealth of potential.